Ancient Temple

For this project, I designed a level based around a unique mechanic of switching between timelines. The temple has a key focus on concise design leaving every inch of the level having purpose and allowing players to traverse the level multiple different ways utilizing your abilities.

Developed in 10 Weeks, Fall 2021
Unreal Engine 4.26




Away from your home, you come back to find your temple in ruins and everyone gone. Knowing of your unique abilities, your comrades left you fragments of the key to the temples undercroft. These fragments contain small pieces of knowledge which describe the events that transpired here.



 Initial Pitch

The original idea was to have fracture a system in place that would allow the player to travel between two alternate versions of the world, allowing unique traversal and also combat opportunities.

After more ideation I decided to focus on solely level design, and switched my mechanic to work similarly, but utilize past and present instead.



 Initial Blockout

The Purple Elements are the pieces that change between time shifts, and usually denote an deterioration of architecture. The player would use their ability to navigate the wreckage and find key fragments.



 Blockout Pass 2

The second blockout pass added a few more side rooms and broke up the symmetry in the main area a bit. The big addition was the pillar jump area which provides the player with a fun parkour experience utilizing the time switch mechanic.



 Blockout Pass 3

This pass added the cave area, which required memory to remember which rocks were stable enough. As well as the turret area, which takes some quick thinking and good jumping to navigate around.


Cave Jump

Turret Section




Chandelier Fragment

Cave Entrance

Broken Pillar

Mini Parkour


 Full Commentated Gameplay




As my first real delve into solely level design, this was a great learning experience for me and really opened my mind to how spaces should be laid out and how a player would move through them. In the future I would love to expand on this mechanic to create and even more complex and immersive level.