The Back of Beyond

This project was something I made in my Digital Design Aesthetics Class. It was my first time using Unreal Engine 4 and still one of my favorite things I've created aesthetically to this day.

The brief was that your character found themselves in a forest when they come across a staircase, which transports them to a different space, everything else was left up to us.



Aesthetic Analysis

I had to choose a game to create an aesthetic analysis for of which I could base my project off. I referenced No Mans Sky as my game, as it felt that the sense of scale I hoped to achieve would be well related in NMS as well.




When I heard this I immediately knew exactly what I wanted to do. As an avid Dark Souls fan, Ash Lake is one of my favorite spaces ever designed in a video game and I wanted to create my own version of the sense of scale that it evoked when I saw it.

We had to choose a word to base our project off, and mine was Unfathomable.






 Final Video




I really love how this project turned out, from an aesthetic and emotional standpoint I truly think this project speaks as a defining point of who I am as a game designer. I would love to be able to create more designs that evoke this same feeling in players all over the world.