Fiora & the Four Elements

Had the pleasure to work with a small group for my Applied Game Art class at SCAD with professor Jack Mamais. Comprised of Seth Butler, Leo Leon, James Harris, Charles Behrend and myself, we created a full workable game in the span of around ~5 weeks.

My role in the project was the level design and layout of both levels in the game, as well as creating the player zoo layout for early prototyping and general concepting, balance work, and QA.



 Level Layout


Mountain Level

Forest Level




Gameplay wise it is fully featured, with an element and ability swapping system that interacts with the environment and enemies differently depending on the combos you choose.




This was an awesome first delve into learning to build games with a group of people and we all learned and grew so much as a team!

Credit to Seth for the design of Fiora, all the enemies, and all our art, James for his stellar work on the games programming, Leo for her awesome job on the games sound and keeping things running smoothly, and Charles for his great job creating assets for us.